Navigating Neurodiversity: Strengths, Challenges and Workplace Inclusion

CSG  Talent

By CSG Talent

Join our host Christina Shiels, Head of Content at CSG Talent as she sits down with Tina Squire, Founder and Coach of Adeptina. Tina is a certified ADHD Coach and supports both individuals and businesses as a specialist neurodiversity and executive coach.  

In this episodTina shares fantastic insights into neurodiversity and some of the common neurodiverse conditions under the neurodiversity umbrella including; ADHD, autism, dyspraxia and dyscalculia. Sharing a glimpse into the perspective of those with neurodiverse conditions to raise awareness of potential challenges they may face in day-to-day life and the impact in the workplace. 

We discuss the topic of the ‘trend’ of neurodiversity in the current landscape, raising awareness in the right way and common misconceptions that many encounter as a result. 

Tina shares her own personal experiences following a late diagnosis of ADHD while holding a senior level position and how that shaped her career, as well as focusing on the many positive aspects of those with neurodiverse conditions and the immense value and skillsets individuals can bring both to a role and a business.  

Christina and Tina talk through practical approaches and tips on how to increase awareness and provide support within the workplace including peer groups, mentorship and flexibility. 

To learn more about what we discussed, or for further insights into the electrical industry - Reach out to Christina Shiels - 

For further insights on neurodiversity and how you can support your employees and colleagues,  explore Neurodiversity in the Workplace – How to support Neurodivergent Employees. 

Conversations with CSG - If you're interested in sharing your own insights on our podcast, please get in touch with our marketing team here. 

