Level Up Your Career Path - Expert Insights and Advice from Industry Leaders

4 Minutes

No matter what stage of your career, it’s always beneficial to receive career advice. It can come in many forms, whether that be a mentor or leader advising you on how to develop your skillset or a colleague sharing experiences and insights which you may benefit from in your own career journey. 

It can even come from self-reflection as you take a step back and make decisions that align with your long-term career aspirations. This guidance can give you a sense of direction, helping you achieve your goals and shape a future that will make you feel genuinely fulfilled. 

How to be a good listener

Being a good listener is key to making the most out of the career advice you receive. It’s not solely about hearing the words, more understanding the meaning behind them and interpreting them in a way that is relevant to you and your circumstances. According to a study by WorldMetrics, 85% of what we know is learnt through listening, making it a key skill for unlocking new opportunities. Mastering this skill can accelerate personal growth, helping you adapt and prosper in a competitive job market. 

Not only is it important to be a good listener at the start of your career, but also at a more senior level. Even if you're a seasoned professional, listening to colleagues and employees fosters an environment of collaboration and continuous learning, which is highly sought-after in the modern recruitment landscape. 

Top career advice from industry leaders

In each episode of our podcast series, Conversations with CSG, we pose the same thought-provoking question to the innovative industry leaders featured on the show: ‘What is the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?’ From their responses, we’ve gathered a wealth of insightful advice that these professionals have both received and shared throughout different stages of their successful careers. 

‘Take a leap of faith’

One of the most inspirational pieces of advice came from Scott Winston, Director of Business Development at Contextant, who spoke with our automation recruitment team on Conversations with CSG: 

“Be more confident and take a leap of faith in more things that you work on. In the earlier stages of my career, the thing that held me back was that I was a little bit tentative, and I wanted to make sure everything was perfect before I’d move on to something else because I didn’t want to look bad. Make sure you’re working with people who are okay with you making a few mistakes here and there, because I believe the faster you move, the faster you’ll grow as a person. Personal innovation is super important, and I think it’s good to take a step back and think about where you want to be in 2 to 5 years, then start doing things that will get you there.” 

‘Prove you can do the job’ 

Sometimes, the best way to secure a certain job is by simply proving that you have the necessary skillset for the role. Founder of Succession, Harrison Waid, believes this is the best attitude to have: 

“I think the best piece of advice I received was that no matter what it is that you're going to do, you have to prove you can do the job before you can expect to get it. I think a lot of people have this expectation that they're going to be given the job they feel they deserve, but I don’t really believe that. If you're not vocal or not doing things proactively outside of your current role, how can you expect to stand out amongst all the other people? If you want a particular role or want to take on a new responsibility, you just have to go and do it.” 

‘The harder you work, the luckier you get’

Ben Wignall, Senior Consultant at CSG Talent, also follows advice about working hard and standing out from the crowd. But for him, the advice came from a family member: 

“The harder you work, the luckier you get. That’s something I tell myself every day because the more hours you put into your job, the more opportunities are going to open up for you, and the luck then swings your way. You may experience dips where everything feels like it’s going against you, but as soon as you find your motivation again and put in the extra work, things start falling into place. It’s something I always tell myself ever since I was told it by my dad, who worked in sales for 30 years.” 

“Be curious” 

Working hard is certainly one of the key aspects of achieving your goals, but it’s also crucial to know how to apply your skills and be open to a range of opportunities. This is something that Nisha Woolfenden, Senior Customer Success Manager at LinkedIn, is very passionate about: 

“Be curious. That’s what I try to do in every aspect of my life. There are so many jobs that don’t exist now that will do in 5 or 10 years’ time with the development of AI and the skills-first mindset. Don’t be pigeonholed into what your job title is and what you’re doing now. Think about what your passions are and how you can transfer your skills into other industries. A lot will come from speaking to new people and understanding which businesses are doing things that align with your values and passions. Don’t just limit yourself to what you’re doing right now.” 

“Know what your mission is” 

Career advice can also have significant benefits outside of the traditional office environment. For Brittain Ladd, a leading consultant in warehouse automation, it was while serving in the military that he received inspirational advice: 

“The most valuable lessons I learnt were when I served in the United States Marine Corps. The thing you learn in the military is the concept of completing the mission. You have to know what your mission is. If you don’t, you’re not going to accomplish anything. Knowing what your daily mission is allows you to focus your time and energy on achieving a goal. When you speak to individuals who are happy in their jobs and have fulfilling careers, they feel this way because they accomplish goals and see results.” 

“Take care of your people”

Wenqing Su, Vice President of Global Capital Projects at Ascend Elements a successful company within the battery metals space, also benefitted from advice he received in the military. He was then able to apply this advice years later when he took on a leadership role: 

“I’ve had a lot of mentors along the way, but one piece of advice has always stayed with me. When I was a young lieutenant, my battalion commander told me that, regardless of what we do, people are our best asset. People may argue that it’s the product, the technology, or the services we provide. But, without a high-performing team, where do those all go? Take care of your people, support your team, and empower your team, and they will surprise you with the results.” 

“You can’t do it alone” 

Taylor Hawkins, Senior Project Manager at Stack Infrastructure, has developed a successful career within data centres, she gave key insights into how to manage a team: 

“You can’t do it alone. If everybody on my jobsite walked off today, I would be dead in the water. You have to lead with empathy because everyone is going through something and has something critical on their plate. Also, if you’re the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room. You need to get out of that room and find someone that you can learn something from and pick their brain. Offer them dinner or coffee and download all the information that they’re willing to share. You never know what doors that conversation might open for you.” 

“Be committed to growing your team”

Founder of Ten Nine Technologies, Paige Johnson, also believes strongly in the importance of mentorship and building a dynamic team who are well-positioned to put their skills to good use: 

“I was told to do what was in front of me. It’s possible to focus too much on the ideal state, but I was told I need to do what I can with what I have in front of me right now. As a leader, you’re never dealing with the idealised team, so you have to be committed to growing that team and helping people succeed with the skillsets that they bring you.” 

Expert Career Guidance with CSG Talent

Our consultants are dedicated to building strong relationships with candidates and truly understanding their goals and motivations. By having open conversations and taking the time to properly listen to individuals, our insightful consultants understand the career path candidates want to take and give them expert career advice tailored to their specific industry. 

We also work closely with businesses to help them secure and identify key talent within their industries, offering our market expertise and advice to best position them to drive growth and success. Our consultants identify the skills required for a certain role and recommend talent they feel could have a positive impact on the company. 

If you’re looking to make the next step in your career or are seeking expert advice and guidance, contact CSG Talent today.