Solar : renewable-energy Wind : renewable-energy Clean Tech : renewable-energy Agriculture : natural-resources Mining Minerals and Metals : natural-resources Chemicals : natural-resources Maritime : industrial-and-engineering HVAC/R : industrial-and-engineering Industrial Automation : industrial-and-engineering Testing Inspection & Certification : industrial-and-engineering Industrial Engineering : industrial-and-engineering Life Science : health-sciences Diagnostics : health-sciences Medical Devices : health-sciences Data Centres and Electronics : technology SaaS : technology Aerospace and Defense : technology Construction : building-infrastructure Construction Equipment : building-infrastructure Civil Engineering : building-infrastructure Architecture : building-infrastructure Building Materials : building-infrastructure Facilities Management : building-infrastructure Food & Beverage : consumer Retail : consumer Consumer Packaged Goods : consumer Business Process Outsourcing : technology Renewable Energy : Natural Resources : Industrial and Engineering : Health Sciences : Technology : Building Infrastructure : Consumer : Water : natural-resources Battery Materials : natural-resources Future Mobility : technology

Lucy Markham

Architecture Research Specialist

  • Industry: Architecture
  • Regions covered:

Lucy is a Specialist Researcher within the Architecture sector where she is focused on sourcing candidates and researching the market to gain valuable insights for the team at CSG Talent. A large part of Lucy’s role involves having insightful and in-depth conversations with candidates to establish further insights into roles, business structures and the market overall.

Lucy has built up strong experience working within recruitment and has a wealth of knowledge of her market, with proven success of sourcing and engaging candidates at a senior level. Lucy has a Degree in Photography, with a creative flair in previous roles so she has a real passion for the sector, in particular working within Interior Design and Architecture where she has experienced great success placing candidates.

“I love helping candidates find their ideal role and working with my team to fulfil clients’ requirements, it’s really rewarding.”
