Solar : renewable-energy Wind : renewable-energy Clean Tech : renewable-energy Agriculture : natural-resources Mining Minerals and Metals : natural-resources Chemicals : natural-resources Maritime : industrial-and-engineering HVAC/R : industrial-and-engineering Industrial Automation : industrial-and-engineering Testing Inspection & Certification : industrial-and-engineering Industrial Engineering : industrial-and-engineering Life Science : health-sciences Diagnostics : health-sciences Medical Devices : health-sciences Data Centres and Electronics : technology SaaS : technology Aerospace and Defense : technology Construction : building-infrastructure Construction Equipment : building-infrastructure Civil Engineering : building-infrastructure Architecture : building-infrastructure Building Materials : building-infrastructure Facilities Management : building-infrastructure Food & Beverage : consumer Retail : consumer Consumer Packaged Goods : consumer Business Process Outsourcing : technology Renewable Energy : Natural Resources : Industrial and Engineering : Health Sciences : Technology : Building Infrastructure : Consumer : Water : natural-resources Battery Materials : natural-resources Future Mobility : technology

Jolene Laureau

Talent Acquisition Specialist

  • Industry: Building Infrastructure, Construction
  • Regions covered:

Jolene is an experienced talent acquisition specialist with over 20 years of experience in recruitment. With a deep focus on the building and construction sectors, she is an expert in identifying and securing top talent for a variety of roles. She works with companies of all sizes and tailors her approach to meet the unique needs of each business.

As well as working with companies specialising in building products and materials, she also works with businesses in the solar energy and automation industries. Her mission is to connect organisations with exceptional talent that drives their success.

Jolene recruits for a broad range of roles, including sales and specification positions within building products, plant managers for building materials in the USA, and roles such as supervisors, quality assurance specialists, and sales professionals within packaging machinery and solar energy. Her diverse portfolio highlights her adaptability and deep understanding of a range of industries.

Prior to joining CSG, Jolene built an impressive career in recruitment agencies in London and Sydney, focusing on C-suite and support roles within investment banking, property and construction, media, and private households. She later transitioned to an in-house role with an Australian-founded fashion brand, where she recruited for a range of roles, from marketing and design to IT and finance.

“I love the variety that every day brings. The journey of discovering the ideal candidate, starting from understanding the brief, researching the market, and engaging with candidates, all the way to the excitement of pinpointing the perfect match for the client, is an incredibly satisfying and exciting career.”
