Solar : renewable-energy Wind : renewable-energy Clean Tech : renewable-energy Agriculture : natural-resources Mining Minerals and Metals : natural-resources Chemicals : natural-resources Maritime : industrial-and-engineering HVAC/R : industrial-and-engineering Industrial Automation : industrial-and-engineering Testing Inspection & Certification : industrial-and-engineering Industrial Engineering : industrial-and-engineering Life Science : health-sciences Diagnostics : health-sciences Medical Devices : health-sciences Data Centres and Electronics : technology SaaS : technology Aerospace and Defense : technology Construction : building-infrastructure Construction Equipment : building-infrastructure Civil Engineering : building-infrastructure Architecture : building-infrastructure Building Materials : building-infrastructure Facilities Management : building-infrastructure Food & Beverage : consumer Retail : consumer Consumer Packaged Goods : consumer Business Process Outsourcing : technology Renewable Energy : Natural Resources : Industrial and Engineering : Health Sciences : Technology : Building Infrastructure : Consumer : Water : natural-resources Battery Materials : natural-resources Future Mobility : technology

Jack Walsh

Construction & Real Estate Specialist

  • Industry: Building Infrastructure, Construction, Civil Engineering
  • Regions covered:

Jack is a Business Manager at CSG Talent who specialises in Construction and Real Estate. He recruits across all facets of the Construction and Real Estate markets with a key focus in the United States. Jack typically recruits for mid-level management positions up to C-Suite level. Jack feels he adds the most value to his clients when recruiting for Executive level positions.

Jack has a first class honours degree in Law, where he graduated from Leeds Beckett University. He was drawn to CSG Talent due to their outstanding reputation as being a high performing company. Jack was keen to work for an organisation who have a great business model that offers true flexibility and autonomy.

Jack has spent several years working in Executive Search and gaining experience at other businesses, he really loves the culture and people at CSG Talent. Ever since joining the team he has been made to feel welcome and can now call a lot of his colleagues close friends.

I really take pride in sourcing candidates for my Clients primarily because the companies I am working with are involved in a high % of landmark projects. Working with some of the leading Developers and Construction Firms who are responsible for the everchanging skylines in major metropolitan areas of the US is rather exciting and gives you a small part to play in the success of that project.”
